Year One
This month is one whole year since God has called me into full-time missions. Working with YWAM, a global mission movement dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Empowering the youth and young people of the world and getting them excited about missions. This time that God has called me to has changed my life forever, it's really unexplainable. I can remember thinking to myself “this is crazy God...why have you called me to such a place to do such a thing?” and I could just hear God saying back “this is what you wanted right? Remember singing in the worship songs at Bible camp ‘take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, where my trust is without borders’”. I just had to laugh, it is what I wanted back then and I still do want! I'm excited for the second year of missions, the second Discipleship school that the team and myself will be running. God is at work in this place and it is really exciting that so many people can be a part of it. All being made possible by God's provision of friends and family supporting the work He is doing here, letting me be the hands and feet. Thank you everyone for the continued support and love!
Leadership and Handing it down
In this month, a student that was a part of the last school that we ran in January has come back to serve the YWAM base. It has been a huge blessing to have her back and serving the ministry. She has committed to serve the ministry by taking on the kitchen full time. So previously I was helping run the school and full time running the kitchen, meal planning, shopping and cooking. But now she wants to serve by taking that on full time! This is a

massive blessing in the sense that it gives me a lot more time to focus on preparing the school, and while the school is running I will have more time to work on my other responsibilities that come. With Rachel (the student that has come back) taking over the kitchen I will still be quite involved. When I took over the kitchen I did not have someone to hand it down to me or teach me in the ways of how to keep a budget, meal planning, etc. But this time around I plan to ease her into the kitchen so that in a couple months when the school starts she's fully running it and I can just help out when needed. This is a fun and new challenge that I'm excited to start!
The times we're in…
During the last month covid has been spiking in Davos, making it harder to continue to pursue a lot of what our ministry is a part of. Bringing people together and building relationships. Loving people how Jesus loves. Now with Switzerland going backwards into deeper and harder restrictions it has made that a lot more difficult. Due to the fact that we have a Discipleship Bible School running we have felt it most wise to limit the amount of people we interact with, for the sake of community. As we live in a house with 14 people, if one person would have covid the whole house would have to shut down and quarantine. We've discussed as staff and sadly had to make this hard decision due to the circumstances, at least until things clear up more.

Before covid had it's second spike in Davos, Christian, Sina (I forgot to mention her the first time I talked about the ministry but she's a local friend who has a heart for the ministry as well!) and I felt God calling us to put the new ministry that we had started on pause. We didn't know exactly why we felt like He was saying it. Shortly after the spike came and put the town into more serious covid restrictions. Putting us at peace with our recent decision to put it on pause for the time being. I am very much looking forward to the restrictions opening up and more freedom to become available but until then we wait, trusting God and being ready for the call!
In closing
It has been a great month and the future is looking hopeful! God is so much bigger than all this covid stuff. The Discipleship Training School, the staff team and I run starting in January 2021, is scheduled to start! Students are applying and if a visa is necessary we are working to get them visas to be able to get them here. It's a very exciting process to be a part of again and the planning is in the works! I look forward to keeping all of you updated on how God is moving!
Prayer Points

Continued health
Wisdom in preparing and organizing the upcoming school
Unity in the staff team
-Lucas Kroeker