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Writer's pictureLucas Kroeker

The Italian Job

New format

First I'd like to just bring up how I'd like to start structuring my newsletters/updates in this new season. I'll be first updating everything about the school and then ending my letter with more of a personal update on how God has been working in me and where He is leading me. I hope you all enjoy the updates to come and thank you so much for reading and showing support! It means so much to me!

First DTS update!

April started off with two weeks of staff training to finish preparing the school that had been planned ahead of time. We as a staff team got to know each other better and built team unity which is very important for going into running a school together for six months! Also in that time each doing teaching and sharing on different topics that are necessary in running a DTS. I prepared a teaching on team unity, team dynamics and resolving conflict in a healthy way. After these two weeks we were prepared to pick up our students from the different places they were arriving from and start the school!

Week 1

The first week of DTS is built around welcoming the students in and what a DTS is. What the vision and purpose of ywam is and how we will be running the school. During this week the staff team prepares teachings on key things to introduce early on in a DTS. Teaching on topics such as hearing God’s voice, worship, intercessory prayer and more! It was really cool to see how this week just got the whole school excited for what's to come in the months ahead. Being ready to go all in for God, hearing His voice and following Him in everything they do. Every student has come with an expectation to see God move in their lives, and God loves expectant hearts because He is always pursuing us and longs for a deeper relationship!

Week 2 Father Heart of God

Last week was the first week of normal lectures where we as a school have invited a speaker to share about a topic that they know and live out. So last week the topic was on the Father Heart of God. I love this week personally! It is so cool to dig through the bible and hear about who God is as a father. Getting to know more of His character by how He describes Himself through the bible. Also His love for us as His children! I'd like to encourage everyone with a testimony from the student on the DTS

``father heart is most influenced by our earthly father. I really have a great and loving earthly father, but he is not perfect and didn't do everything right. But our heavenly father is pure love and perfect. How amazing!”

I love hearing these testimonies when God changes something in a students life and shows more of Himself. So inspiring and I hope that in this testimony you can be encouraged to go deeper in who God is as a father.

Myself personally

Personally this has been a stretching month. With switching ywam bases and finding a new home it's been interesting having to settle down again. I realized that only three weeks into Italy I started to feel like I could start settling into my new home for the next few weeks. Davos really felt like home for me so leaving that behind was hard but God has been my comfort and strength in this new transition. The staff and base leadership at Ywam Trentino has really helped me settle in, feeling loved and accepted into this new community God has called me to! It's been growing my trust in God a lot! Looking back and seeing how far He carried me into the missions He has called me to has been so encouraging. I'm blown away by God’s faithfulness, when He speaks it happens! He has called me into missions and He is providing all that I need!

I feel like this season He is really the potter and I am the clay. He is molding me and making me weak so that He can be strong in me. Bringing in all that I need. As Paul talks about in 2 Chorinthians 12, how he has a thorn in his side and asks the Lord to remove it but God won't. But rather He says “my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. God is showing me where I am weak in this season, and in that where He can be strong for me! Growing closer to Him and knowing that in God I have all I need. It's so hard to explain but it's hard at times, then when it's given to God it's so freeing and growing. I don't have to be strong out of my own strength but I can give it all to God and He can be strong for me. Praise God!

Prayer Requests

  • More energy for the week

  • The missions trip with the school after our lecture phase, open doors into the countries God calls us to

  • Health for staff and students

  • Boldness

  • Growth in financial support

  • More ministry opportunities in Arco (the city we live in)

Thanks so much for reading and please feel free to send me a message to connect if you have any questions on the missions I'm a part of or if you have prayer requisitions or would like to connect! I'm open!

Whatsapp: +41 77 508 42 50


-Blessings, Lucas k.

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